WAE - Wertstoffaufbereitung GmbH Edersleben
Der Hutdeckel
06528 Edersleben
Legal form
Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
Managing Director
Dirk Eichhardt
Hans-Marcus Knoll
Local court
District Court Stendal
Commercial register
HRB 214095
VAT identification number
DE 813 530 770
Responsible for contents
Dirk Eichhardt
Email: wae@wae-gmbh.de
Data protection notice
Visiting the website of this supplier may cause your access data to be saved. This is not personal data, but data in anonymous form. It is evaluated for statistical purposes only.
The texts and illustrations published on this website are protected by copyright. Any exploitation of this material that is not permitted under the German Copyright Act requires our prior written consent. This particularly applies to duplications, adaptations, translations of the material as well as saving, processing or reproducing contents in databases or in other electronic media and systems.
General note
If you should require further information we will be pleased to provide all details required by law.